How Strong Partnerships Built Avsome Brand with Coby Farrow


Coby Farrow didn’t set out to launch a beverage brand.  But when a restaurant concept he was working on fell through, he couldn’t shake the idea of turning avocado seed tea into something bigger.

What started as a kitchen experiment quickly became a crash course in CPG, with plenty of hurdles along the way, as Coby embarked on a years-long journey to establish Avsome Brand.

In this episode, Coby shares how he navigated the challenges of formulation, why partnerships have made all the difference, and why slow growth is sometimes the smartest path.

Plus, he’s breaking down the biggest lessons he’s learned along the way—from avoiding costly mistakes to finding the balance between vision and practicality.

Subscribe to the Food Means Business Podcast with Hudson Kitchen founder Djenaba Johnson-Jones to hear the personal stories and “secret ingredients” of abandoning your day job and starting a CPG food business.

In this episode, you’ll learn...

  • [00:38] Coby shares how he’s transitioned from chef to CPG founder

  • [02:58] When Coby first discovered avocado seed tea and his first iterations of Avsome

  • [08:47] How partnerships have shaped the trajectory of Avsome Brand and why networking is key to CPG success

  • [13:30] The iterative process of creating Avsome Brand

  • [20:37] How Avsome Brand found it’s name (and how it’s pronounced)

  • [23:12] Avsome Brand’s launch plan and why growing slowly is often the best route to CPG success

If you’re an aspiring clean beverage founder, this is one conversation you won’t want to miss!

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About Coby Farrow and Avsome Brand
The story of AVSOME Avocado Seed Tea began long before the brand was officially conceived. Years ago, while working in kitchens, I had a colleague who always asked me to save avocado seeds. Curious, I asked why, and he explained that in his country, they roasted the seeds and steeped them in water, creating a traditional drink flavored with lemon juice and simple syrup. His mother always told him it was good for hair, skin, nails, and even weight loss. He would share it with everyone in the kitchen, and it left a lasting impression on me.

Fast forward to 2019. I was consulting on a restaurant concept centered around avocado dishes—everything from avocado bowls to avocado toast. That memory of the avocado seed drink resurfaced, and I suggested we create a white-label beverage based on that recipe. I made a few versions for the team, and they loved it. However, when the pandemic hit, the restaurant plans stalled like many businesses at the time. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that we had something special with this avocado seed drink.

Although the restaurant project faded, I decided to pursue the drink idea. I reached out to some friends in the beverage industry—people with experience at Vitamin Water and Pepsi—and began to work on what would eventually become AVSOME. As we researched more, I discovered that many of the health claims my old colleague had mentioned were backed by studies, including research from Penn State and other institutions. These studies showed that avocado seeds are rich in antioxidants, support hair and skin health, and may even help fight Alzheimer’s and cancer. The seed wasn’t just an ingredient; it was a powerful superfood.

We went through several iterations of the product, including changes to the design and branding. Our goal was to create a drink that felt like it belonged to the future—modern, fresh, and inspired by elements from our childhood, like “Back to the Future.” But the core mission remained: we wanted to make a drink that was not only good for you but also tasted great. Too often, wellness drinks prioritize health benefits but sacrifice taste, leaving consumers with something that tastes medicinal. We believed we could do better.

With AVSOME, we set out to create a beverage that was clean, refreshing, and free of excess sweeteners or artificial flavoring, yet still delicious. We’re proud of what we’ve achieved—an avocado seed-based drink that’s not only a superfood but also genuinely enjoyable to drink.

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  • [00:00:00] Djenaba: You're listening to the Food Means Business podcast, where we feature the personal stories and secret ingredients behind what it's like to abandon your day job to start a food or beverage CPG business. I'm host Djenaba Johnson Jones. And today I'm chatting with chef turned founder, Coby Farrow of Avsome Brand.

    [00:00:19] Welcome Coby. How are you? I'm good. Thank you. Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you as well. Podcast is all about what it's like to kind of go from, you know, working for someone else to launching your own brands. Would love to hear your story. 

    [00:00:38] Coby: Sure. So I've been a chef now for about 20 some odd years. And oddly enough, this is my second career.

    [00:00:48] I started off in music marketing in like the late nineties. I worked at Epic 550 and worked with a lot of different groups and, uh, performers. And then [00:01:00] the bottom of that kind of fell out the advent of Spotify and, uh, things like that, and, uh, the early days of that and. Ended up somehow in food. It was something that I always, it was always been in my life.

    [00:01:15] And I loved cooking as a kid. I was always, I was that kid that was always in the kitchen bothering his mom. What are you cooking? You know, it was like, you know, I was like a chubby kid, but I was, I was like, you know, I love food. I love learning about food. I love what makes things, you know, uh, where they come from and kind of like what makes them tick and what brings them to life.

    [00:01:37] And then kind of fast forward a little bit. What got me here was actually a food project that I was working on. It was a restaurant that we were developing, uh, just pre COVID. And it was an avocado kind of themed restaurants, or as you might think it was, you know, sort of avocado bowls and toast and [00:02:00] things like that.

    [00:02:01] And the partners in the restaurant, uh, come to me and ask me, they were like, you know, I said to them, I was like, you know, I think it would be really great if you guys had like a beverage to go into these locations because they were going to have locations in New York, LA. Miami, you know, major cities. So they were pretty well funded at the time.

    [00:02:22] And I had recalled back when I was working in kitchens that the guys that I used to work with, they would ask me, they'd say, Hey, chef, can you save the avocado seeds for me? And I said, you know. Why do you want me to say the avocado seeds? So they said, well, chef, you know, back in my country, you know, we make this drink.

    [00:02:42] It's good for your hair, your skin, your nails. It'll, you know, help you lose weight. And I said, okay, all right, whatever. So here you go. You have the seeds. And then, you know, if you've worked in a kitchen, you, you know, that they pass everything around in quart containers. So they would make this big, giant pot of it.

    [00:02:58] And, and, you know, they'd [00:03:00] sweeten it and flavor it with like lime juice. And, you know, it tasted great. It was something different. So, you know, circle back to this restaurant concept. And so I, you know, wrap my head around the same thing. I was like, Hey, well, you know, avocados, you know, what, you know, trying to make an avocado tea, you know, it was like this great, I, you know, these guys were doing it and, and the guys that I was working with on the project, I said, you know, I think this could be something that work and they loved the idea.

    [00:03:29] I gave them a few different iterations of it. It was something that I just kind of like cooked up in my kitchen and like, you know, made, you know, pots of it and different and flavored it with, you know, Fruit and tea and all different types of things and kind of brought different sort of, uh, iterations of it and they loved it, but as everyone knows, you know, fast forward a little bit more, the pandemic happens and, you know, in the food industry, kind of the bottom fell out and, you know, projects that were in the middle of projects, starting [00:04:00] projects, you know, restaurants that have been around for, you know, 20, 30 years, you know, disappear and so did that project.

    [00:04:07] So I re approached them again and said, Hey, I really think we have something here. Are you guys interested in, you know, going further with it? They declined. I said, all right, well, I have friends that have worked in the beverage industry, myself too. I worked with, uh, Naked Juice, Odwalla, Fresh Samantha years ago, and I had friends that Worked at vitamin water and Pepsi.

    [00:04:32] And so I approached them and I said, Hey, I was like, I think I have something. I was like, I don't know what it is yet. It needs to be aired out and research. And so I had the idea. I said, I was like, I had an idea of what I wanted it to look, the product to look like and what it to taste like and what I wanted it to be.

    [00:04:50] And as I dug further and did some more research, I found out lo and behold. You know, these studies had come out from, you know, like you pan and Harvard [00:05:00] Medical Journal that actually supported some of the stuff that the guys. You know, 15, 20 years prior that I worked with in my kitchen when they said, Oh, chef, it's good for your hair, your skin, your nails.

    [00:05:13] You know, my mom used to make it in the kitchen at home and lo and behold, it actually, after some studies and tests and things like that, it was actually true. And so, you know, raced back to, you know, some of my friends and that worked in the industry. And I said, I was like, look. Take a look at this. I was like, you have to see it and they were like, well, there's got to be somebody else out there doing it.

    [00:05:37] And I said, I can't find it. I was like, there isn't anybody else. And they were like, okay, so now you do have something. So we kept working on it and kept working on it. And this would be year 5 now. But, you know, it's been a long sort of journey to where we are now, but we're at the, I want to say the end, but the [00:06:00] beginning of the end or the end of the beginning.

    [00:06:02] And, uh, it's turned out to be, this would be the second formulation that we're, we're at. We worked with a formulation company early on and not starting a beverage company before there were a lot, you know, we had a lot of pitfalls. Which happens it's, you know, kind of live and you learn some of them were expensive.

    [00:06:24] Some of them weren't, you know, we were rushing, you know, have all these grandiose ideas of like, Oh, we want to have our own sort of, you know, bottle that, you know, that sets us apart from everyone else. So we went out and designed a bottle and, you know, I was working with guys in China and, you know, I was up at crazy hours and come to find out.

    [00:06:45] It's like, okay, well now you can take that bottle you designed. And bring it to a co packer and if it doesn't fit on their line, they have to retool the line, which makes it more expensive. And now it makes the, you know, your, your product, [00:07:00] you know, the cost of that skyrocket. So we end up spending about 20, 000 or more on research and development of that and R and D of that and ended up having to scrap it.

    [00:07:14] And we also same thing worked with a formulation company. That we or I had developed, you know, I had an idea of what I wanted to drink to taste like I felt like there's a lot of drinks out there operate in the health and wellness space and I don't want to put down anybody else's product, but I feel like there's a lot of them out there that they kind of taste fake.

    [00:07:41] Almost, there's a lot of artificial flavoring in it and just, just artificial taste to it. And I wanted something that tasted real, that wasn't overpowering, like when you, you know, when you drink like, let's say like a Snapple or something like that, where it's so much sugar that's in that beverage that it coats your mouth and you don't [00:08:00] really get to taste the tea.

    [00:08:01] Like I grew up, you know, drinking tea as a kid and still drink tea. I don't drink coffee. A lot of people miss what, you know, real tea tastes like, and I wanted to combine those two things together where it was like, you know, the great taste of tea with the added nutrients of the avocado seed, which is by far a, I mean, for lack of a better term, I find it to be a mega food.

    [00:08:29] I don't even want to say like a superfood because it does so much for you. Yeah. So we ended up going to a new formulation. We partnered with. Harney and son, they're our licensing partner and co packer and distributor. And we're looking to roll out pretty soon. 

    [00:08:47] Djenaba: So you've had an extensive career and you mentioned kind of during your story that you had friends that worked at, you know, various companies that you could reach out to with your idea.

    [00:08:58] Can you talk a little bit about the importance of like [00:09:00] having those friends that those, you know, kind of utilizing those. friends and having those partnerships and how I was able to help you launch the business. Cause not everybody can call up Harney and sons and get them to be their co packer. So I'm just curious as to how you kind of, right.

    [00:09:12] Coby: So I feel like, you know, networking is the biggest feather in my hat. Like, you know, living in New York, definitely lended to that and being someone that. You know, kind of moved around in different circles and, you know, it was friendly with a lot of people and I felt like even in my own career as a chef, yeah, I worked as, you know, like a private chef and I, you know, worked in restaurants and I always told people, there are people that always say, Oh, what will you do?

    [00:09:40] And I, you know, when you're, I feel like when you're passionate about something, you're always open to tell people about it. And if you really believe in something, you want to tell people about it. And some people look at it as being braggadocious or whatever. But I don't think that it, that it's the, that's the case.

    [00:09:56] If you're proud of something, you should be proud of it and tell people about it. And [00:10:00] that's basically what happened. So it was just like, people were like, Oh, well, what are you doing now? And I'm like, Oh, well, I'm working on this beverage company. And I get into the whole spiel about it. And next thing you know, someone's like, Oh, well, Hey, I've got this friend.

    [00:10:12] Who, you know, has a friend that, you know, owns this company and, you know, that's actually how I ended up meeting with Harney and son was, uh, a guy that I went to culinary school with my, uh, good friend, Aaron, we, you know, we've known each other probably about 20 some odd years. And during the pandemic, we were talking just, you know, kind of checking in on one another and he was like, Oh, what do you work at?

    [00:10:36] I was like, what do you up to? Cause a lot of chefs were out of work. And so it gave me a lot more time to really. Kind of figure out what exactly I wanted to do with this. And so when I told him about it, he was like, oh, you know, uh, I'm really good friends with the grandson of this tea company, uh, Harvey and son Alex.

    [00:10:59] He's like, I think [00:11:00] you guys should meet. You guys should talk. And I said, okay. You know, I'm always open, you know, to, to meet somebody. You have to be, you have to be open to take, always take the meeting. I think that's always important. Always take the meeting. It's worth your time. Even if you get like the smallest bit of either information, knowledge, you may not need it right now, but you may need it later.

    [00:11:23] So I said, it was like, all right, well, you know, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet. I'm not sure if they're even wanting, wanting to meet me. So I met with them, we hit it off, and It was kind of in the beginning, it was kind of using them as a sounding board where it was like, Hey, I have this idea of what I want to do, how can I bring that, you know, you know, this idea to market.

    [00:11:46] And they were, you know, even with, when we were still using, at first we were in a plastic bottle and the design bottle that we had, it was a really elongated bottle. It was really beautiful. It just, you know, it stood out [00:12:00] and they were telling us in the beginning that, you know. It was going to be hard for us to put that, to bring that to market cost effectively with founders.

    [00:12:10] It's like, you have these ideas in your head and you have this vision of your baby and you're like, Oh my God, this is what it's going to be. And it's going to be this beautiful thing. And it's just going to, the lights of heaven shine down on it. And it just looks like, you know, this is what it looks like.

    [00:12:24] And sometimes you have to come back down to earth and be realistic. And you can still have that, especially with branding. It's like, you know, realistic branding isn't important. And so they kind of brought me back down to earth with that and. To, I guess circle back to, you know, how we ended up having a relationship we have now.

    [00:12:46] It was something that we cultivated over time. It wasn't just like a light switch where they were just like, oh, hey, you know, here's your distribution deal, or we're immediately, you do your co-packing, or they had to see that, you know, [00:13:00] we were really putting in the work and putting in the effort and the time and the money to really bring this idea to life.

    [00:13:07] I don't want to say they handed us anything because it didn't. Am I extremely blessed to have the relationship that I do have with them? Absolutely. Do I think that the relationship that we do have is, I guess, from what I'm finding out, is kind of few and far between? Yes, absolutely. And there were ups and downs in the relationship.

    [00:13:30] There were times when we thought it was like, oh, this is not going to work. You know, and we had to figure out how to make it work and they were in the reformulation of the drink as well, because like I said before, we started off with a formulation company and not to knock them at all, but they gave me back something that it was close, but it wasn't what I envisioned.

    [00:13:57] And we almost went to market with it. [00:14:00] We were this close in, like, I literally had to go to my partner and say to him, I was like, look, I'm not happy with us. I was like, I know we spent, you know, a good amount of money with this and a lot of time, you know, it was like, you know, we were doing a lot of the work with during the pandemic, so it was a lot of phone calls, a lot of late nights sitting up, I'd get boxes.

    [00:14:26] Of samples from this formulation company, and I would be there for hours, like writing notes on each one, what I didn't like, what I did like, and at the end, it wasn't my original idea of having something that was light and refreshing and a clean product, and so when I went to Harney and saw, and I said, you know, to Alex, Uh, I said to him, I was like, Hey, you know, what would it take for us to maybe reformulate?

    [00:14:58] And he said, [00:15:00] well, you know, maybe come up here and, you know, uh, we'll work it out. And I said, all right, well, you tell me when and I'll be there. He told me when, we spent about three days, you know, it was like 18 hour days where we didn't leave the kitchen. And we were in there like mad scientists and like, and I was like, this is what, you know, our lemon flavor, you know, our lemon one tasted like when I did it, I was like, you know, and he was like, okay, well, we have this lemon myrtle tea that I think could go really well with it.

    [00:15:34] Are you interested in using that? Well, let's try it. So it was a lot of like, you know, trial and error as, you know, formulations are. And uh, we ended up with what we have now. And I think that time we spent together actually ended up, uh, solidifying our bond and realizing that how serious we were about making this product.

    [00:15:59] [00:16:00] And, you know, we ended up getting rid of the bottle and rebranding and going into a can because it actually, you know, made more sense being that we were upcycling the seed that we were using our main ingredient and we're in a plastic bottle. We're like, okay, well, we're trying to be something environmentally conscious brand.

    [00:16:23] But we're in a plastic bottle. I was like, just didn't sound right. So we looked at glass too expensive for where we were too deep for our pockets. And then we looked at, you know, aluminum. And it ended up working and, you know, we, uh, are working with, uh, a can company that Harney and son introduced us to, they said, Oh, Hey, you know, if you're going to be a can, maybe you should check out these guys.

    [00:16:50] And it ended up working out. So, you know, we've really like, I could, you know, I was talking, I talked with Alex this morning, I, you know, where we become [00:17:00] good friends through this project. So it's like, even if we didn't. Had this project, we'd still be friends, I think. Just because we've been working together now for so long that it's cultivated a friendship, not just a business relationship.

    [00:17:15] Djenaba: I love that you explained like the trajectory of the relationship because a lot of people think that everything is so quick and fast and you want, as a founder, you want it to happen fast, but like that whole iterative process and it's like really a true collaboration. So I think that was like really important too.

    [00:17:30] I think this will be the success. of your brand because you actually have a foundation versus kind of like rushing into doing something with someone. 

    [00:17:39] Coby: I completely agree. Like, you know, there's, you know, with projects and especially when you have partners and, and, you know, you share a goal, a similar goal, but it's, you know, trying to get to that goal.

    [00:17:50] Sometimes you guys don't line up. And, you know, sometimes I had to step back and really look at what we were [00:18:00] doing as a whole and be like, look, you know, I'd rather go really slow. And it's like, I look at it as like going down a highway and going like. You know, as opposed to going like 100 miles an hour down the highway, you're not going to see the potholes in the road.

    [00:18:15] And if you do see it, you may not be able to get out of the way of that pothole in time and you end up hitting it and it could be costly. And if you're going at a, at a, you know, a nice slow rate or at least a moderate rate. You have time to move and adjust accordingly and still, you know, and you're still getting to the end where you're going, but it may take you a little bit longer time, but it'll be less costly.

    [00:18:42] And like I said, we've, I've spoken to other founders and a lot of people agree. It's like, you know, you make a lot of costly mistakes and they're learning experiences by far. It's like if you're not making mistakes. You're not learning. You're not doing it. There's definitely, you're definitely not doing it right because there's no way that you're going to [00:19:00] do a project and not make mistakes, especially if you're doing it for the first time, impossible.

    [00:19:06] And I've learned a tremendous amount about a lot of different things about a lot of things that I didn't know. And that's another thing. It's like, be smart enough to say, I don't know. It's like sitting at a table and just like, we now have like a strong core group of people that deem like, you know, I have my brand director.

    [00:19:26] We have a CFO, we have legal, we have like all these parts. And, you know, when my, our legal advisor starts talking and I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, you have to slow down, please like say that in plain English for me, because I don't know what you're saying, give you the abridged version or same thing with my CFO.

    [00:19:44] It's like, you know, I'm, I'm a chef, like, you know, I can talk to you about, you know, food science and all that stuff and flavor combinations and all that sort of stuff. But when you start talking about numbers and it's like, I do have a general idea. But I've learned a lot about business and [00:20:00] how you should operate and having contracts.

    [00:20:03] It's not just about having a handshake, you know, is. The handshakes mean nothing in this in business. It really doesn't. And some people don't have the best intentions. They really don't. Not everybody is your friend and they're out for themselves. And I hate to say it, but we had to learn that way, the hard way, but everything, you know, when we start talking to someone, it's, you know, you get an NDA, you're going to.

    [00:20:25] Respect us. You have no choice. And if you don't want to sign the NDA, then you don't. That means your intentions are bad. It's like, because it's, you know, it's there to protect you. It's there to protect me. Why would you not want to sign it? Let's 

    [00:20:37] Djenaba: talk a little bit about the actual, like the name of the product.

    [00:20:43] Like, how'd you come up with it? Like Avsome brand. It's like pretty amazing, right? It's pretty awesome, right? Yeah. You know, 

    [00:20:56] Coby: our brand director, Darian, he's really smart and he's [00:21:00] really great, you know, him and I have known each other, we've been friends, we were friends before this, so we had 20 some odd years of friendship, or actually more than that, maybe even 30 years of friendship, we've known each other since we were teenagers, and he's, you know, an artist at heart, and I really have to say, like, you know, I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like.

    [00:21:23] I wanted it to be the beverage of the future present. And we were playing around with, I'm a big fan of back to the future. So we, you know, we were taking ideas from that sort of like, you know, if you look at some of the earlier iterations, the branding, it had like hot, like the label was hologrammed and like, we still have that.

    [00:21:46] It's still there a little bit, not as heavy as it once was. And we wanted it to be something that was, we kept using the word awesome. We kept using the word awesome, kept it, it kept coming out. We were [00:22:00] joking around and we were just like, why don't we just call it awesome? They're like, no, we can't call it awesome.

    [00:22:03] We're just saying we can't call it awesome. And they were like, well, we don't have to call it awesome. We can, it can look like the word awesome. But spelled differently and I was like, okay, and so we, we sat on a whiteboard and we just played around with it for a while and it, you know, and it came to life and it, you know, and a lot of people, they call it a lot of different things.

    [00:22:26] They're like absent that awesome, like, and it's just like, we're in, you know, just take it easy, just. It's awesome. Just awesome. And it's a part of our marketing plan where we're, we're going to use that. It's going to be one of those things where it's, it's, it's funny. I think it's funny. Other people think it's funny and it's just, you know.

    [00:22:46] Even though we're, we don't want to take our brand too seriously because it's still something we're having fun with and I want people to have fun with it and really enjoy the product. And I want, when people look at our product, it makes them happy because when I look at it, [00:23:00] it makes me happy and you know, cause I feel like we put a lot of effort into it.

    [00:23:05] And a lot of great energy into it and it shows and it's, it shows on the way it looks and the way it tastes. 

    [00:23:12] Djenaba: Speaking of that effort, like, give us an idea of when the product will be launched out into the world. 

    [00:23:18] Coby: So right now we're looking at, we, our production schedule right now got pushed to the, what is this now?

    [00:23:25] We're in January, uh, the last week in January and it'll be, uh, released the second week in February. So, uh, Yeah, I want to say we have, we have a lot of great interest in the brand. I don't want to say too much just cause there's some stuff is not inked already, but there's a lot. I don't want to say we're going to be everywhere because that's, that's aggressive.

    [00:23:52] Uh, but you know, having a partnership with Harney and son allows us to really use their [00:24:00] network and kind of piggyback off of that. And we're using a lot of their sales force to get out there and. So we're really looking a lot towards, in the beginning, smaller sort of mom and pop shops in the tri state, not so much your big box stores, we're not going to be like, oh, we're going to be in every Whole Foods, you know, right out the gate.

    [00:24:23] It's like, no, I mean, which I've learned. From working with smaller, you know, when I worked with like fresh Samantha back in like the late nineties, there was no fresh juice on the, on the market, no smoothies, nothing like that. We were, uh, and we were out there peddling this 5 bottle of juice in the late nineties and the best thing on them, you know, the healthiest thing on the market.

    [00:24:48] Was Snapple, which was made from, made from the best stuff on earth, which I don't know why you sued, but, uh, and that was, you know, there was [00:25:00] no, there was no market for healthy beverages at the time. So I look at how they kind of changed the landscape a little bit and how companies like Odwalla changed the landscape in California.

    [00:25:14] And it was a slow, slow burn where it was, you know, we went after the smaller sort of every day, like, you know, bodegas, if you will, neighborhood stores, that's where everybody shops every day in, you know, in, in New York or, um, in cities. You go there every day. You don't go to Whole Foods every day. I mean, I guess some people do, but I mean, eventually we will be in whole foods and you know, bigger places like that, but our goal is to start small and grow out organically.

    [00:25:46] You know, we don't want to move too fast and we have enough runway, um, with our partnerships that we can do that. It's allowed us to do that. And, you know, we have very big ideas on [00:26:00] how, you know, where we want to go. We have a relationship in the Dominican Republic that we're fostering. Um, I think we'll do really well in Latin America just because of just, that's where it originated is no, you know, it's like one of those things that it's like, Oh, you know, my, you know, my Tita used to make that back when I was a little boy and I remember that.

    [00:26:23] But now it's in a can, I can pull it off the shelf and it hasn't, it comes in four different flavors or, you know, average different rink skis we're going to, you know, eventually have. And so now it's something that can exist in Latin countries and it's familiar. And I think even in the States here, I think we'll do well because our customer base, I think will operate really well in not just health and wellness.

    [00:26:50] But in just people that are looking for something is not just good for them. But taste good too. People are more [00:27:00] educated about food and what it does for them and like what goes into their body. They're not just, you know, numbers don't lie. There's a reason why Coca Cola sales are going down, you know, because people aren't drinking Coke as much.

    [00:27:12] They're drinking things that are more healthy for them. And, you know, we're hoping to capture some of that market share.

    [00:27:22] Djenaba: So, um, at Hudson kitchen, we have what we call the money bell that we ring when we're celebrating something. So I wanted to ask you, what are you celebrating? Could be anything, could be personal or professional. 

    [00:27:34] Coby: So we're celebrating our launch. I mean, there, I don't know if there's any right now, there's nothing bigger than that right now.

    [00:27:39] It's the, the biggest thing that I have on our, on my plate right now is our launch. It's coming in, it's coming fast. It'll be here before I know it. It's something I work on constantly. You know, every day and, you know, the end of January, we'll be here before, you know, it, and so will February, and then we'll be in the throes of a [00:28:00] full launch and by spring, you know, we'll be boots on the ground, sort of, uh, guerrilla marketing and all that sort of stuff.

    [00:28:08] Djenaba: You know, that's really exciting. Congratulations. Thanks. So Kobe, thank you so much for being here. Let everyone know where they can find out all about you and Avsome brand. 

    [00:28:18] Coby: Uh, so you can find us And uh, yeah, if you're looking for me, you can find me at Coby's Kitchen too on Instagram.

    [00:28:31] And the same thing. Avsome brand. 

    [00:28:35] Djenaba: so much. The felt means business podcast is produced by Hudson kitchen. It's a mixed and edited by wild home podcasting. Our theme song is by Damien DeSandis and I'm your host, Djenaba Johnson Jones. Follow Hudson kitchen on Instagram and LinkedIn at the Hudson kitchen.

    [00:28:52] And to get Food Business Bites right in your inbox, sign up for our newsletter at Listen, follow, and leave a review [00:29:00] on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts. Until next time.


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